Keep Right
We have all seen the sign while driving down the road that simply says—keep right.
Summer is right around the corner, and in my opinion, it is the most
wonderful time of year. Backyard barbecues, family vacations, warm
weather, Youth Conference and teen camps are all events that I look
forward to during this time of year. However, as a youth pastor, I do
realize the impending danger that comes along with summer. Teenagers now
find themselves free from school and their usual responsibilities,
which many times can lead to nothing but trouble. It has often been said
that, “Idle hands are the devils workshop.”
Many people look back to the summers of their teen years when rebellion
and backsliding began with regret. To help avoid this from taking place
in your life, let me offer a few simple thoughts on what to keep right
this summer.
- Keep a right relationship with God.
Summer is a time when your schedule may be a little laid back from the normal day-to-day grind of school and projects. However, with all this free time, it seems that many young people fail to keep their relationship with God paramount. To keep right this summer you must have a daily walk with God. Do not let a day go by without spending time with the One who loves you and created you. - Keep a right relationship with your parents.
If your relationship with your parents is not right then your relationship with God will not be right. Last time I checked “children obey,” and “honour thy father and thy mother” are still in the Bible. - Keep holiness and Godliness right.
The child of God should never take a vacation from Godliness. Just because you may be on summer break, does not mean that you now have the freedom to live how you want to live. Our music, dress, television programming, online usage and relationships must still be kept holy and right. - Keep church attendance and church activities right.
Sunday school, Sunday morning, Sunday evening, mid-week service, teen meeting and activities are vitally important to your success this summer. Do not miss out on one of these events that your church offers. The Bible commands us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Hebrews 10:25).