Back-to-School Revival
Many Christian schools and youth groups have Back-to-School Revivals. Whether you officially have this event or not, going back-to-school ought to be a time of revival for every student and teacher.
How can we experience a back-to-school revival? Here are a few essentials.
- Schedule When school resumes, so does the schedule. Classes begin at a certain time. Practices and games are scheduled for sporting events. Parents often make a schedule for homework and bedtime.
You will never experience revival without a schedule that includes Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, and soul winning. How is your spiritual schedule looking? - Spirit Many people become bored during the summer months—not so when you first get back-to-school! There is an excitement of meeting classmates and teachers. There is a challenge in new classes, new grades and new students.
Do you have a back-to-school spirit of excitement for the things of God? - Seriousness Going back-to-school is exciting, but there is also a seriousness about it. Going to class is not optional. Failing a test has consequences. Not doing your homework is unacceptable. School is serious business.
If we are going to experience revival, we must be serious about the things of God. By now most of us are back-to-school, but are we having back-to-school revival?
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